Wednesday, May 30, 2012

When relationships end...

I am what you might call a loyalty customer.  I don't often shop around, I stay with the same banks, insurance companies, utilities providers.  I'm not sure if it's due to lack of interest, lack of motivation or just that I find a loyalty, get treated nicely and stay.

This year, things have changed.  First of all, I broke up with my employer.  Then I broke up with my health insurance provider.   I won't mention names, but after leaving my Council job, I shopped around to replace my corporate healthcare cover.  Corporate healthcare - it always made me laugh.  There was nothing different from corporate cover to what I could get over the phone - in fact it was an extremely inflexible health plan and I only joined to avoid paying the extra tax at the end of the year.

When I rang my old provider to advise I was cancelling the policy, they tried to persuade me to stay.  I mentioned I had done a bit of homework and that I was able to get better coverage for a saving in excess of $1300 per year.  They argued that they could do better.  I mentioned that I had used a certain website to compare prices and covers.  They argued they weren't on that site and that I couldn't have gotten an accurate comparison.  I advised that I used my existing cover and costs to equate the difference.  They tried really hard to keep me, however that was the first time they had even bothered.

What always got my frustrations up were the ads that would entice new people to their company by offering free months, movie tickets, waived waiting periods - lots of different ways to get people to sign up.  The disclaimer was always the same - new customers only.  I often found myself asking "but what are you doing for your existing members?"  I paid my bills on time each month, I was relatively low maintenance, didn't claim too much and even encourage my friends to switch to them.  But at no point did they think, "how can we continue to look after our customers so that they want to stay?"

It didn't end well, and continues to haunt me as I use my new provider.  I used my card last week at the optometrist's only to find out it was declined.  I went along to a kiosk for my provider in the City and I've got to say I was very pleasantly surprised.  Friendly.  Fast.  Helpful.  WOW!

Not only had my previous provider not advised my start date, they had not sent through a certificate of clearance to the new mob, and did not confirm that I even had insurance through them.  These are all processes that are agreed in the industry, but they did not follow that through on my behalf.  Kind of confirms that I made the right move by leaving!  The lovely consultant adjusted all of my details in the computer, gave me instructions for getting a copy of the clearance certificate sent to them and processed my transaction.  She advised when to expect it to be paid, how much would be paid and then the company delivered on its promises.  They even texted me to advise that the money had been transferred from their accounts.  Now that's customer service!

My third break up was a lot harder and continues as I write.  My vehicle has been insured with this company for over 10 years.  I believe in this company so much that I am a member of their breakdown service, and in the years I have used them I have they have given me fabulous service and I have sung their praises to all and sundry.

Today I called them to correct an error on my vehicle insurance policy and to add on a new fixture to my car under my cover.  The first part was easy, changed the details and confirmed I was who I claimed I was.
The second part, not so much.

After advising the cost of the new addition (my 4wding winch), I was advised that due to the value of the modifications now being a major part of the replacement cost of the vehicle (market value), that they would no longer cover me for comprehensive insurance, and effective immediately my cover would only cover me for third party damages.  The consultant further advised that this should have been the case from my previous renewal date - December 2011 and that if I had had an accident, there was a chance they wouldn't have covered the cost of repairing my car.

My new insurer not only covers my car, its modifications and extras, but it also covers me off-road (it's a 4WD after all), although I recognise the terms that they pay under are also quite tough (eg I can't drive off the edge of a cliff and get coverage, but I can hit a tree if I'm in a slide and get repairs done).

My consultant, Josh, could not have been more helpful (yes, I know it is his job) and was also happy to disclose that he is the zebra in the backseat of the car in their new television ad that involves the phrase "Wayne Webke"!  While they were a little more expensive, I am happy to wear the cost for the extras that are automatically covered.  I also love the fact that they use their own staff in their ads (my old employer was the same).  There's a chance that if I'm happy with their service in the next 3 months they will also find themselves with some CTP policies in the next 3 months as well!

I've just called my old insurer to cancel the policy, and they were very understanding of my taking my car which they wouldn't insure, but not so happy I should be taking my other policies with me.  Unfortunately that's what usually happens with a break up - you pack your stuff and only leave behind the crap you couldn't be bothered taking with you.  Now if only they stop taking money out of my account when they are supposed to, it may even be termed an amicable split.  What is it they say in the tabloids "We have grown apart and have decided upon a trial separation.  We will remain friends and respect each other fully.  We ask that you respect our privacy in this matter..."

So in the interest of looking at the positives, I am now legally insured again, I know what I'm covered for and I took the leap again to change for the better.  Wow, it's turning out to be quite a year for me!  Breaking up has never been so easy!  I wonder who'll be next?

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